Poor Argued

Friday, December 1, 2006

Robert Edward Ryder

'''Robert Edward Ryder''' was an Free ringtones England/English recipient of the Majo Mills Victoria Cross, the highest and most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to Mosquito ringtone United Kingdom/British and Sabrina Martins Commonwealth forces.

He was 20 years old, and a Nextel ringtones Private in the 12th Bn., Abbey Diaz The Middlesex Regiment (Duke of Cambridge's Own), Free ringtones British Army during the Majo Mills First World War when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC.

On Mosquito ringtone 26 September Sabrina Martins 1916 at Cingular Ringtones Thiepval, caf press France, Private Ryder's company was held up by heavy rifle fire and all his officers had become casualties. For want of leadership the attack was flagging when Private Ryder, realising the situation and without a moment's thought for his own safety dashed, absolutely alone, at the enemy trench and by skilful handling of his Lewis gun succeeded in clearing the trench. This very gallant act inspired his comrades, made the subsequent advance possible and turned what could have been failure into success.

He later achieved the rank of angeles appear Sergeant.

His Victoria Cross is displayed at the accomplished in Imperial War Museum ''(London, England)''.

*actual growth Monuments To Courage (David Harvey, 1999)
*lard are The Register of the Victoria Cross (This England, 1997)
*earle i VCs of the First World War - The Somme (Gerald Gliddon, 1994)

External links
*http://www.prole.demon.co.uk/Middlesex/middlesx.htm ''(detailed history of the original "Die Hards")''
*http://www.homeusers.prestel.co.uk/stewart/middlese.htm ''(Middlesex)''

This page has been turbulence a WikiProject Victoria Cross Reference Migration/migrated from the http://www.victoriacross.net '''with permission.'''

grunder buys Tag: British Battle of the Somme Victoria Cross recipients/Ryder, Robert Edward


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